Regardless of the ever-present bureaucracy in Pune forcing the new transit system to open unprepared and ahead of schedule, the citizens flocked to the new Bus Rapid Transit System today for its first full day of service.
Buses were packed and many Indian riders were impressed by many of the features on buses most transit commuters already take for granted. Enthusiasm is high, yet there were still rational voices who worry the sparkling new buses won't be maintained and kept clean. The four most important issues: timeliness, cleanliness, education, and safety, all seem to be present in the public discussion.
As far as timeliness, transit officials were coming short of their 10min. wait-time goals but ridership was so heavy the buses were behind - something passengers are more than willing to forgive at the start, but how long will it take before commuters take BRTS for granted? Sooner than you may think. Hopefully transit officials will keep the 'Rapid' part of their title at the forefront.
Cleanliness seems to be addressed for now, as well as education with all stops announced on the intercom to the surprise of many riders sadly not used to this level of information yet. Safety is a concern brought up and I'm sure police presence on buses in the evenings will probably be addressed.
Just remember, regardless of the hype or early starting problems, new systems are in the best position at the outset because of high public support. The true test will come months, if not years, down the line when maintenance becomes a more pressing issue as ridership increases. All eyes are on Pune's BRTS as it develops. For now, they are putting on a good show.
Pune Newsline
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
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- Johnathon Fitzpatrick
- I'm a freelance journalist covering Seattle City Hall & Local Elections. Contact me for pitch ideas and syndication.